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September Course Report

Update on September Progress on Course.

Cart Paths

Hole #1: Drainage needs to be added under cart path to stop water from collecting on path right before bridge. #2 cart path needs completely removed, drain tile added next to path and repoured. This path is a safety hazard. #4 by bridge needs filled and leveled. Water collects here during rain and irrigation. Most paths need filled and leveled where they either start or stop. This will allow for a smother transition and less bumps.

Tree Report

Trees purchased from donations and fund raising have been planted. A few still need mulch applied before cold weather sets in. There are a few that require hand watering, but all are in good shape for winter. Some have already went dormant due to the drought. Mr. Hora donated 4 additional Maples and he has planted them throughout the course. He has planted these in memory of his wife.


Due to the insurance inspection, we have major concrete repairs around the clubhouse and cart paths. There are three possible solutions: 1) remove all grass from front of clubhouse to the back and pour a solid pad, adding a fire pit where the ‘flower bed’ is currently. 2) remove all concrete and build an outdoor deck up to the existing cart path allowing for outdoor entertaining with minimal maintenance. This would also allow for future expansion of a second tier (captains lookout) allowing for a view of almost the entire golf course and non-golf related entertainment. A wood deck would give a warmer welcoming appearance enticing more guests to visit. 3) remove all concrete except for sidewalk to doors and plant with grass.

Tee Boxes

Tee boxes on 1 and 2 need to be removed and tee box faces rebuilt. Number 5 need rebuilt to bring back the aesthetics of the garden area there. The excess block can then be used to level and build up blue tees on 5.

For boxes 1 and 2, the blocks need to be removed and either replace with a solid foundation and drain tile installed or removed and slopes added to promote proper drainage.

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